Love You in the Now



This is the time of year many single people dwell! Many single people hates, for the lack of wording, Valentines because they want a “boo” “lover” a “homie lover friend!” Get my drift! Blah, blah blah and more…!

Well…I am here to express that you are love. You’re living! You are above ground! You’re not connected to any wires! You are loved! Yes, we want that companionship, but work on you and continue to love on you!

Here are just two ways to love you and yes, there are more ways, but I am limiting just to a few!

Take your self on date! Cliché; but yes take “you” on a date. What consist of a date? Going to your local mall and just being free. Browsing around the mall! Try on things that make you feel grand! Hint: you try and don’t’ buy! Work your social media! Go to a coffee shop and do some fun “work”, yes fun work. Sometimes being in the atmosphere of people helps with social skills and staying away from depression! Netflix and chill…yeahhh! Remember the JOY of being single is to gather your thoughts and enjoy “you!”

Plan a massage day! WOW! What a time to have to yourself with out some “man” questioning your whereabouts! Now, if you have kids you don’t have those options. Plan a day of relaxation to have a facial! Plan to have a full day to yourself. Make this a forever thing because when you treat yourself like royalty you don’t have to worry about “a man” hanging over your head!

Overall, plan dates with friends and enjoy life! Too many times females sit around with a make and not plan activities because “they” want a man around! BULLLL-ish! The saying goes, “create your own lane…”

Enjoy you!










Happy Valentines Day!

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